Well, here I am ready to pass on the "Best Blog Comments Award" given to me by the ever entertaining and gracious ShellHawk! I definitely do not feel I deserved this but I will happily accept! ShellHawk was given this award by the Frog Queen -- both of whom exemplify excellence in bloggdom!!! I know that some of my other favorite bloggers were awarded as well (Mr. Macabre, Dawn of Wacky Whimsy, and Ghoul Friday). I've been mulling over who to pass this onto and in my humble opinion, both Der Krampus of The Embalmer's Nightmare and King Unicorn of Anathema Arcana certainly are deserving. I always know that when I read their blogs, I will find intelligent writing and interesting subjects and photography. So, congrats to both of you! Of course, this award comes with a few strings attached! Or, as ShellHawk said, you have to pass the lovin' on...
1. Link back to the blogger who nominated you and say a few kind words!
2. Paste the picture of the award on your blog.
3. Nominate other bloggers you think deliver great comments on your blog.
4. Let the new nominees know via email, post, etc.