Saturday, November 26, 2011

Creepmas Day One! Some Thoughts on 'Santa's Helpers'

So, just for fun, I'm participating in "Creepmas: A Celebration of the Hallowdays". This little movement, this uprising, this "...reaction to the continuing incursion of Christmas into Autumn and Halloween, CREEPMAS is a good-natured chance for Halloween lovers to exact revenge by bringing some spooky good cheer into the holidays or, more appropriately, the Hallowdays."

For Day One, I thought I'd share an excerpt from a lovely little book I own entitled, "The Twelve Terrors of Christmas" by John Updike and illustrated by the inimitable Edward Gorey. Available at Amazon

"Chapter three reads, "...what is REALLY going on? Why do these purported elves submit to sweatshop conditions in what must be one of the gloomiest climates in the world, unless they are getting something out of it at our expense? Underclass masochism one day, bloody rebellion the next. The rat-a-tat-tat of tiny hammers may be just the beginning...."

Of course, I can completely understand these guys. Elves have it rough and I can empathize with them so much that I envisioned what one of the guys might look like on the day of the great rebellion. I offer up my own sculptural rendition of an "Elf Gone Mad"....not that I'm trying to foment revolution or anything like that...just showing my support for the downtrodden and repressed.

Go ahead and try...


  1. That damn elve scared the shit out of me Pam! :-O I almost spit out my lunch! hehehe! I think it's an awesome book you've got there! Unfortunately i can't order it at Amazon, cause they don't exept paypal and i don't have a creditcard :-(

  2. Thanks for the book recommend and thanks for being a part of the First Creepmas!

  3. I'll have to track this book down. I've always suspected there was something sinister about all those elves.

  4. I think I counted 10 elves. Is that right? LOL. I know that wasn't the point. Love the book. Love Edward Gorey. Love your demonic elf. What a great Christmas decoration! You're inspiring me to look at Christmas decor in a whole new way!

  5. donna: I'm so glad he scared you...wish I could have seen you spit out your lunch!!! :)

    Dex1138: it's a great idea and glad to be a part of it!

    halloween spirit: it's really short and small (literally) but it does have some interesting observations in it!

    Lady M: hey, that pumpkin you carved was simply amazing--didn't look mangled in the least. it's just perfect for Creepmas! (and thanks for liking the mad elf!)

  6. Ah, that elf is magnificent. Exactly what I imagine a thousand or so years at the workbench would do to anyone pounding hobby-horse handles into hobby-horse heads.

    I hope that little fellah found a good home (or did you hang onto him to terrorize the other ornaments on your tree into submission?)!

    And I'm glad to see Creepmas spreading so rapidly!

  7. King Unicorn: thank you, sir! that little guy ended up hanging around on my mother's xmas tree...Creepmas is indeed spreading. :)

  8. Elf Gone Mad is wonderful I love him! It warms my heart to read he is living in your mother's xmas tree :D
