Monday, October 3, 2011

Fulton's Harvest Pumpkin Pie Cream Liqueur

Man, have you guys tried this? It's absolutely lovely! Not dietetic in any sense of the word but totally comforting and well, you know..."Fulton’s Harvest Pumpkin Pie Cream Liqueur is available for fall 2011 nationally. The lush, creamy all-natural liqueur is the first-ever pumpkin pie cream liqueur and is immediately reminiscent of homemade pumpkin pie complete with the flavors rich vanilla, brown sugar and spices. It is best served chilled or on ice, as well as in coffee and in a variety of cream-based cocktails." (as stated by the Kentucky Distillers Association) At your favorite spirits store NOW.


  1. OMG! Must have.....damn, it is late and the liquor store is closed! :)


  2. Dang, I bet that would be go-od with a little shot of seltzer. Have to keep my eye out.

  3. It is AMAZING and of course they sold out here fast! My local liquor store told me that people buy it by the caseload.
